The distinguished musician D’Arcy Trinkwon is one of the outstanding artists of his generation,
whose fervour and passion embody that of the true Romantic virtuoso in the service of their art.
He is one of the few organists who has followed their career solely at the organ.
"His splendid, but nevertheless subtle virtuosity combined with considerable artistic integrity
to demonstrate that he is one of the really great artists of his genre.”
“Trinkwon’s sartorial flamboyance... is almost determinedly at odds with his demeanour when playing;
he is focused, facially undemonstrative, and utterly commanding."
"The music always reigns"
were the words of a master as great as he is in love with music,
and yet so straight-forward as to be able to take the audience by the hand
and lead them to a concert worthy of the biggest stages."
Respected for his dedication to the organ as a concert instrument as much as his independence of spirit, he has devoted his career to revealing the beauties (and mysteries) of the organ and its music to as wide an audience as possible without musical compromise and with a sense of occasion befitting the 'King of Instruments'.
A musician of scholarship, he combines an intuitive sensitivity for the organ with an encyclopaedic knowledge of his craft, and he commands one of the most extensive repertoires of any artist before the public - a part of which is reflected in the unparalleled scope of his YouTube channel.
A musician of scholarship, he combines an intuitive sensitivity for the organ with an encyclopaedic knowledge of his craft, and he commands one of the most extensive repertoires of any artist before the public - a part of which is reflected in the unparalleled scope of his YouTube channel.
"The supremely gifted organ virtuoso D’Arcy Trinkwon...
His subtle yet magisterial command of the instrument was spell-binding:
he knows no technical difficulties and his playing was in total accord.”
"So much infectious joy radiates from his performance that purists could suffer severe pangs of guilt."
"Phenomenal virtuosity."
Recital at Freemasons Hall, London
12 June 2024 A virtuoso programme - including music Bossi, Bonnet, Berveiller, Holloway, Harris, Middleschulte & Leidel - on the 1933 Willis organ restored by Harrison & Harrison in 2015. |

The organ music of Kjell Mørk Karlsen
One of Norway’s most eminent musicians and cultural figure’s, Kjell Mørk Karlsen was made a Knight of the Order of Saint Olav by King Harald V for his services as a musician and composer. A brief visit to either or Wikipedia will open a fairly modest window onto his world and an œuvre of more than 200 opus numbers featuring every conceivable musical combination, expected and unexpected, from small educational miniatures to large, even huge, symphonic works.
D’Arcy has championed the music of Kjell Mørk Karlsen and contributed an article introducing his music as part of the Organists' Review Off the beaten path series in its December 2023 issue.
He also contributed to the fascinating music book of James D. Hicks published
One of Norway’s most eminent musicians and cultural figure’s, Kjell Mørk Karlsen was made a Knight of the Order of Saint Olav by King Harald V for his services as a musician and composer. A brief visit to either or Wikipedia will open a fairly modest window onto his world and an œuvre of more than 200 opus numbers featuring every conceivable musical combination, expected and unexpected, from small educational miniatures to large, even huge, symphonic works.
D’Arcy has championed the music of Kjell Mørk Karlsen and contributed an article introducing his music as part of the Organists' Review Off the beaten path series in its December 2023 issue.
He also contributed to the fascinating music book of James D. Hicks published
He also contributed to the fascinating music book written by James D. Hicks - The Complete Organ Music Of Kjell Mørk Karlsen - published by Norsk Musikforlag in 2022 in celebration of the emminent Norwegian composer's 75th birthday. This high-recommended work explores every organ work Mørk Karlsen as well as providing a unique historical perspective on the artist's life and times.
D'Arcy given the UK premiers of a number of works, among them the Visjon, Op.81 (Canterbury Cathedral, 2010), Orgelsymfoni nr.1, Op.99 (Kings College, Cambridge, 2011), Meditations on Revelations, Op.155 (Worth Abbey, 2016). His performance of the Sinfonia Arctandriae (Orgelsymfoni nr.2) Op.105 (Westminster Abbey, 2007) can be heard on his YouTube channel. |
A living retrospective/archive... An innovative project of unparalleled scope
D’Arcy’s YouTube channel began as a spark of creativity during the artistic lull imposed by the recent pandemic, a time when live performances came to a standstill. Faced with the quiet, he turned to his extensive personal archive, revisiting recordings of some of over a 1000 public performances he had given throughout his career to date. In this absence of concerts, he sought a fresh way to connect with audiences and breathe life into live music and his exciting YouTube project was born.
What sets his channel – aptly called Virtuoso Organ Music - apart is not just the remarkable variety of serious repertoire embracing iconic masterpieces through to hidden gems of organ literature, but also his deeply personal insights and historical information woven into each video description. He invites viewers on a journey, sharing his emotional connections to the pieces, which transforms each performance into a storytelling experience. The channel features breath-taking organs from some of Europe’s most stunning cathedrals, including the majestic Westminster Abbey, the historic St. Paul’s, the awe-inspiring Notre-Dame, the mystical Westminster Cathedral and magnificent cathedrals such Berlin, Passau, Auxerre, Troyes and Orleans. Each venue adds its own character to the music, enhancing the listening experience. D’Arcy's exploration of these grand instruments—from Canterbury Cathedral to King’s College Cambridge and beyond—offers a captivating blend of artistry and architecture that transports viewers right into the heart of each performance. Join D’Arcy on this unique journey and rediscover the magic of organ music, one video at a time: Some concerts uploaded by others showing on YouTube include
Piacenza International Organ Festival
"A Sublime concert. "The music always reigns" were the words of a master as great as he is in love with music, and yet so straight-forward as to be able to take the audience by the hand and lead them to a concert worthy of the biggest stages. D'Arcy Trinkwon's concert on the Lingiardi organ of San Savino can be described with one word: SUBLIME! One of the masters among the world organists, he puts his culture and mastery at the service of the public and transports it gently and without pressure, but with intensity and charisma, towards the knowledge of an instrument as great as it is complicated in its grandeur and variety of sounds." PIACENZAMUSICPRIDE "A refined concert at the International Organ Week in San Savino. It is not new for the International Organ Week to host authentic big names in the world organ. Over the years it has welcomed the "crème" of organists: the Ciampi Group invited D'Arcy Trinkwon, an English virtuoso of outstanding class, to launch the 52nd festival the other evening in the Basilica of San Savino. A warm person and British aplomb and refinement, the organist presented an intense programme of virtuosity and poetry. D'Arcy was very elegant with his rather baroque look, a green damask silk shirt, black trousers and patent leather shoes. When his hands plunged onto the Lingiardi instrument, all the refinement and mastery of touch was evident, a caress that enhanced the most insidious and angular pieces and flatters the character of the instrument... The audience was enraptured by Franz Liszt's Fantasia & Fuga on the name of BACH in the arrangement of Jean Guillou." LIBERTÀ |
Further details see MEDIA page
“Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything.
It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good, just and beautiful, of which it is the invisible,
but nevertheless dazzling, passionate, and eternal form.”
“To send light into the darkness of men's hearts - such is the duty of the artist.”
"A musician cannot move unless he too is moved."
"Every composer and musician writes and makes music in the very likeness of himself."
“To be able to grasp the substance of the music itself is to be willing to begin a never-ending search.”