"I am so impressed with the way you enter your organ and direct it. It seems that you and the organ are born together.
And your technique is just unbelievable! I am also very proud and grateful that you also play my music!
Mons Leidvin Takle
And your technique is just unbelievable! I am also very proud and grateful that you also play my music!
Mons Leidvin Takle
"So much infectious joy radiates from his performance... that purists could suffer severe pangs of guilt."
D'Arcy is known for his artistic mastery one of the most extensive of any artist before the public.
Whilst approaching each period with stylistic awareness the result of constant musical scholarship,
he does not necessarily aim at rigidly historical performances. Neither does he ever 'play safe'.
Every concert programmes is tailored to each individual instrument: D'Arcy chooses music to reflect the nature of each instrument and its aesthetic setting.
In addition to all the established masterpieces, he has given UK premiers of many works – notably that of Messiaen’s Prélude in 2002 – including works of Calvin Hampton, James Hopkins, Wilhelm Kempff, Walter Kraft, Odile Pierre, Mons Leidvin Takle, Peteris Vasks, Stanley Weiner, etc. His numerous performances of the works of Jeanne Demessieux have greatly contributed to a revival of interest in her legacy and inspired others to explore her music. He was the first organist - after only Demessieux herself and her protégée Pierre Labric - to perform her famously demanding Six Études, Op.6 complete in concert. He has also given premiers of her Nativité and the Répons pour les temps liturgiques. You can read some articles on Jeanne Demessieux written by D'Arcy on the ABOUT page.
His championship of the powerful and dramatic works of the Norwegian Kjell Mørk Karlsen (b.1947) has included UK premiers of the composer’s Sinfonia Arctandriae (Orgelsymfoni nr.2) Op.105 at Westminster Abbey, Visjon, Op.81 at Canterbury Cathedral (2011), and Orgelsymfoni nr.1, Op.99 at Kings College, Cambridge (2011) and Meditations on Revelations in Worth Abbey (2016).
The following PDF pages detail D'Arcy's repertoire
Click on each title to view the relevant current lists
Solo works performed in concerts*
Premiers & first performances
Décalogue de l’Organiste
Les dimanches traveilleras Les jours de fête également Les programmes établiras quitte à les modifier souvent. Bien à l’avance arriveras pour préparer ton instrument. De chasseurs tu changereras pour jouer plus commodément. Le chef de choeur regarderas A tout le moins de temps en temps. Du sermon la fin épieras Pour remettre à point le couvent. L’oreille au guet sans cesse auras pour déceler un cornement. Cantiques accompagneras Souvent à ton corps defendant. La sortie exécuteras pour les pilliers, très brillamment. A. FLEURY |